~Your legacy lives on long after you!~
*It's a new month and the last month of the year 2014! Blaise Ayika wrote, "Time is not of the essence, but WHAT you do in time!" I have given this quite some thought the past days and this question keeps coming to mind: What legacy do we…

~16/11/14: Emails, Whatsapp & Phone calls ~
*Nous sommes en ligne depuis deux semaines et c'est avec un immense plaisir que je lis et réponds aux messages Emails et whatsapp. Wow! Surtout les appels me vont droît au coeur! Au plaisir...
*We've been online for two weeks and what…

~09/11/2014 : 25 years – Germany celebrates!~
*Did you know that today marks the 25th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall? The Berlin Wall was erected on Aug. 13th 1961 and fell on Nov 9th 1989. So Germany celebrates today...
*Speaking at the opening of a…